Sunday, December 2, 2012

Is The Telegraph being honest?

As we read this it should be remembered that the McClatchy Newspapers Corp. owns The Telegraph. The individuals at The Telegraph responsible for the following kind of conduct are: President and Publisher George McCanless: Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall: Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson.

The next thing we should point out is that The Telegraph Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall may be one of the foremost flim-flam artist in the Southeast.  Her latest was Going forward, we plan to do a lot of explaining, 11/11/2012. She tells us that: “When we fall short, we expect you to call us on it.” We are not calling her on anything we are pointing out why we think this is a flim-flam.

She knows The Telegraph has been ignoring any and all correspondence which they do not like or that disagrees with them for years now. We have the U.S. Post Office certified mail return receipts to prove that this is so.  

We also offer the following video clips of what happened when one caller left a message on the answering machine of The Telegraph Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson. This response is typical of The Telegraph.

We have to assume this is the way The Telegraph responds to the people when Marshall and others at The Telegraph extends an invitation “…to call us on it.”

We might also note that since the “…election of a president [is] complete” … Marshall is “…for a little more civility.” Of course that did not apply when Obama and his cohorts were putting out some of the vilest rhetoric ever put forth in an election.

Examples are when Bill Mahr labeled Sara Palin using the c**t word after donating $1 million toward the election of Obama.  Mahr also used other words such as “dumb tw*t” which he gloated over.

Then there was this ad: “My first vote was in 1940 for Franklin D. Roosevelt and I have not missed an election since,” says 97-year-old Marie. “I want the Republican party to know, if your voter suppression throughout this beautiful country enables Romney to oust Barack Obama, we will burn this motherf---er down."

Adds Dorothi, 75: “If the Republicans steal this election, I’m going to track down Mitt Romney and give him the world’s biggest c-ck punch… right in the nut sack.”

Of course this kind of conduct is nothing new to The Telegraph and Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall. During the Bush Administration nothing that McClatchy and The Telegraph thought would denigrate the people in that administration was off limits. An excellent example of this is when The Telegraph used the heading of an article to label Condoleezza Rice a liar.

It might also be pointed out that when the elected representatives – “lawmakers” – of the people do not do as The Telegraph wants The Telegraph has been known to label them as “slimy” and “two-bit whores”.

Of course it says something when Marshall now tells us that: 
“We have an economy that for many average people seems stuck on E, even if economists and other experts tell us gains are being made. People are still losing their homes. Jobs are not secure. The racial divide seems more like an abyss.”
We have to assume all of this has come about since November 6th as we saw none of it reported in The Telegraph prior to that time.
Now all of a sudden Marshall tells us that: “This newspaper… has an obligation to explain to readers what is happening in our country….” 

 What a joke! How can she tell people something like that when The Telegraph has done nothing but cover-up the crimes, lies and misconduct of the Obama administration? This is the same conduct we found at The Telegraph during the Clinton era.

 The following video clips are a vivid example of The Telegraph cover-ups. Like a blinding light it exposes The Telegraph’s willingness to deceive and lie to the people. This particular example is about the crimes of Attorney General Eric Holder and Obama’s declaration of “Executive Privledge” to cover it up!

Still warming to this con, Marshall tells us that: 
“Big news conglomerates, especially, didn't report critically about what President Obama knew about the attack in Libya; if the New York Times (whose stories The Telegraph carries) won’t report a critical story, no other major news operation will either; Fox News is the only national news network that presents both sides of an issue; or Fox news will only report one side of an issue.”
This is bull, what the media did do was act like “a thief in the night”. They scammed the people expecting honest news. The media took the Obama administration’s talking points and sold it as news putting the people’s hard earned money in their pocket. That fits perfectly the definition of a scam. According to a scam is: “A confidence game or other fraudulent scheme, especially for making a quick profit; swindle.”

Marshall’s song and dance about how The Telegraph is a lap dog to the New York Times and if “…the New York Times (whose stories The Telegraph carries) won’t report a critical story, no other major news operation will either…” is nothing if it is not dishonest and misleading.

As for The Telegraph and Marshall’s attempt to have it both ways with her; “Fox News is the only national news network that presents both sides of an issue; or Fox news will only report one side of an issue.”

We issue an invitation to set down and compare the honesty and integrity of Fox News with that of McClatchy and The Telegraph anytime, anyplace.

The New York Times has quite a record for its dishonesty and deceit, in fact there have been books written about their conduct and the scams they pull on the public.

 For people who are interested in honest news the book by Bob Kohn titled Journalistic Fraud – How The New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted.”
The book is an excellent source and points out the methods used by the media as a whole in their scams. 

The public is exposed to this same distortion in The Telegraph everyday it comes off the press. Thanks to people like The Telegraph’s President and Publisher, George McCanless – Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall and Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson.

When The Telegraph and the Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall tell the reader that “…the New York Times (whose stories The Telegraph carries) won’t report a critical story, no other major news operation will either…” they have to know they are lying to the people.

McClatchy Newspapers, the parent company of The Telegraph had a 2111 word article about Benghazi on their web site dated Tuesday, September 11, 2012 titled: U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, 3 other Americans die in Libya consulate attack. Perhaps Marshall does not consider “McClatchy Newspapers” a “major news Operation”. We wonder if McClatchy is aware of this.

A reasonable assessment of this article would leave one to believe that by using the talking points put out by the Obama Administration McClatchy was using this article to lay the ground work. They were putting forth a cover-up which was an act of war which resulted in the murder of a U.S. Ambassador, two former Navy Seals and a Foreign Service Information Specialist. 

They pointed to the film as a cause a total of 13 times. We would assume as in any scam you have to be thorough.

The Telegraph and the Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall had to know this, if they did not they are the most incompetent scam-artist in the Southeast. 
 The Telegraph Executive Editor tells us that: “I am often enlightened even if not persuaded to a particular point of view.”  

We find it awful peculiar that The Telegraph and Marshall are not “enlightened” by honor, honesty and the truth. Marshall goes on with: “…if there is national and world news you believe we have missed … we want to know.”

Well pardon us, Marshall has admitted if you remember: “Among the criticisms…” which The Telegraph “… didn't report critically about what President Obama knew about the attack in Libya….”

Well, a letter from Charlie McCutchen of Macon, Georgia which you can see at “Cover Up” let The Telegraph know about the lack of coverage of “the attack in Libya….” The Telegraph’s response was:
“Since the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya on Sept. 11, The Telegraph has published more than 25 stories regarding the issue either in print or on our website.”
As for The Telegraph’s assertion by the editors that they “…published more than 25 stories regarding the issue either in print…” or on their website.  - We can say this. We do not know about The Telegraph’s website but we can speak to the print. 

The Telegraph’s stories were long on cover up and short on useful information. From Sept. 11th to October 26th there were 22 stories in print, of these 7 were in the “In Brief” section and contained a total of 1074 words which amounts to about one story.
There were some 43 references to the film, the video or the movie, etc. and each one of these were linked to the death of the U.S. Ambassador and the three Americans.
This act of war which killed the "Ambassador and three other Americans" happened some 82 days ago. The whole world except maybe for The Telegraph know there was no riots or protest at Benghazi, Libya. Yet there has been no correction by The Telegraph or as far as we know by their parent company McClatchy Newspapers. This is something any honest news paper would have done.
This is the flim-flam laid out by The Telegraph’s parent company, McClatchy Newspapers which they run on their website on Sept. 11, 2012.  It can be seen at U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, 3 other Americans die in  Libya consulate attack.
Reasonable people can say The Telegraph’s “stories” were more cover up than news.

What The Telegraph did is follow the example set by their parent company and repeat the cover up Obama was peddling much as they did when rendering aid to Bill Clinton in the 90s. In that case it was AP which started the ball rolling. This time line can be seen at: The sordid saga of The Telegraph and Bill Clinton!

There is a link to everything The Telegraph published at The Telegraph’s cover up of Benghazi. You can make up your own mind.

We might also note that in The Telegraph's "hi-tech" lynching of Herman Cain! They were following the example of Politico.

Looking at this we can assure you we have a clear conscience when we say the media including The Telegraph are like a “thief in the night” as they pedal their scam and put your money in their pocket.

The pathetic thing about all this is Mercer University President William D. Underwood has brought these people in at Mercer to help teach future Journalism Students. This is disgusting.

Have a nice day. 

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